Champions Online is out,the game is different, the game is new and leveling guides are sprouting all over the place but very often you end up buying the guide and then feel like you’ve been tricked and scammed.The guides tend to be poorly written or contain extremely vague instructions This is where people like us come in. We buy the guide, use it and then give you a review so that you don’t get hoaxed.
So far, Champions online has 2 guides, one from killerguides and the other from FTWGuides. We went thorugh both the guides without any bias and these are our findings.
We went through Killerguides, their leveling guide is grossly incomplete and very vague it is barely of any use. Quests aren’t detailed, all that is told is move from here to there and complete xyz quest. Why pay for a guide that makes you do all the work. But then we saw FTWGuidesin action and it absolutely stunned us.
First of all, the Champions Online leveling guide by FTWGuidesisn't just a leveling guide. It includes so much more. It will not only teach you the quickest way possible to hit level 40 but will also teach you how to make more resources (Champions Online version of gold), play your champion, find the right equipment for you, and how to spec your character. It clearly explains the stats(Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intellect, Ego, Presence, Recovery, and Endurance) and what you should be increasing when and for what character.The guide starts off with the basics, so newcomers arent left out and it then goes onto some serious stuff.
One of the big questions that I get asked is how can someone already have a guide out for this game since it was just released a few days ago? That's actually a common question and in the world of mmo guide writers what happens is they very often take part in the game's beta and do all of their hard work designing a useful leveling guide. That way once the game is released there usually isn't huge changes needed and any smaller changes can be added to the guide quickly. Keep in mind that these are usually written by the top expert players in the game.
Our #1 Pick For A Champions Online Leveling Guide :- FTWGuides by a longshot
Champions online is a very new concept in the genre of mmorpgs. And a guide for this game. must offer quality content regularly. FTWGuides have an amazing history of providing quality updates to their guides. As of now the guide covers every single quest in the game along with a whole host of other tips and tricks to ensure that you level up really fast.
Here's a highlight of some of the important things that is included with the Champions Online leveling guide.
* Complete step-by-step leveling guide to get you from 1-40 (We mean Step by Step with screenshots!!)
* Secrets, tips and tricks you need to know along the way
* Online easy to read format, never get lost
* Full colored numbered maps
* 24/7 Support LIVE!
* Money back guarantee
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